Support Socks for Change

Join us in making a difference by becoming a Sock Hero!

With your help, we can warm the hearts and feet of those in need. Every small contribution counts towards our goal of donating 30,000 pairs of socks and winter accessories to over 100 local schools and over 60 charity organizations. We believe that together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness and generosity that will inspire others to lend a hand.


100% of your donations go directly to purchasing socks that will be donated to schools and organizations in Niagara.


By donating, sponsoring or  creating your own fundraising team, you can become a part of this amazing movement. 


Let’s spread hope and warmth this winter season!


Here are the ways you can help.

collage of sock doantions

Every business or organization has the power to make a tangible difference in the lives of those less fortunate. By sponsoring “Socks for Change,” your business or organization can ensure that one of the most basic yet often overlooked necessities – socks – reaches those who need them most.


Socks, while simple, play a crucial role in providing warmth, preventing blisters, and maintaining overall foot health, especially for those exposed to harsh weather conditions or without a stable living situation.


100% of all donations go directly to purchasing socks. There’s no overhead, no middleman, just a straightforward, heartfelt gesture of warmth and care.


The choice to sponsor is more than just a monetary donation; it’s a step towards creating meaningful change, one pair at a time.

We are excited to offer various sponsorship levels, each with its own set of benefits to align with your company or organization’s goals and budget:


1. Bronze Sponsorship ($250 – 100 pairs of socks):

– Feature your company logo on our website.

– Highlight your support in our social media posts.

– Receive a heartfelt acknowledgement in our newsletter.


2. Silver Sponsorship ($500 – 200 pairs of socks): 

– All Bronze level benefits.

– A featured story about your company in our newsletter.


3. Gold Sponsorship ($1000 – 400 pairs of socks):

– All Silver level benefits.

– Opportunity to deliver socks to your community organization of choice


4. Platinum Sponsorship ($2500 – 1000 pairs of socks):

– All Gold level benefits.

– Recognition as a Presenting Sponsor in all promotional materials.


To sponsor please contact [email protected].

Socks for Change logo

Socks for Change is a truly local Niagara registered charity that provides Canadian-made, high-quality, warm wool socks and winter accessories to organizations in need.